Changes in version 0.9.4 ------------------------ * IMPORTANT: Syntax of the config file has changed. Please replace your system-wide spacechartrc (/usr/local/etc/spacechartrc in most cases) with the provided spacechartrc file. * Now a single ~/.spacechartrc is read as configuration file. * Plenty of bugfixes to config files. * Added button to reset the map to the default settings. * Fixed even more bugs. Changes in version 0.9.3 ------------------------ * Config files. On startup all files in the ~.spacechart/ directory are read as configuration files. * Customizable keybindings. Now most actions available through menu and/or mouse can have an associated keyboard key. * Reduced default window size to avoid problems with low resolution screens. * The Right Ascension/Declination of the selected star is available in the star info dialog. * About data file dialog, which shows info about the data file currently loaded into memory. * Older data files are now incompatible. I don't know of any other than the one distributed with spacechart, so I don't think there will be problems. * General bugfixes. Changes in version 0.9.2 ------------------------ * Added a button to the star configuration page to select which stars have their name drawn. * Added menu items for most toobar actions. * The gliese.dat file has been modified, so that most stars now have a name that can be displayed on the map. * Clicking on stars should be easier now, since the sensitive area around them has been increased. * Added an option to abort a file load in progress. * Now the user coordinates are shown.